
Channellers! Here's how to have a secure channel with the Ein Soph!

"So you want to channel me yourself, if you have the Gift?  Or do you have a specific Ein Soph in mind? Take my advice; let us route you to the representative you need. Unless you have cause for direct contact with one of us specifically."

UPDATE 08/01/2018 - Only use these types of Channeling: Contact Channeling and Communion Channeling. My advice is in Channeling not to pursue Channeling through 'Trance Channeling' as you will in this way not neccessarily be conscious of your body. Channeled entities have Free Will just like we all do so the risks in that should be obvious!

Unless you seek a moment of oneness and communion - conscious and Free Will in that - use Contact.

It is worth noting that Contact Channeling can be 'charged' for a clearer signal, and that this if done correctly can help overcome any 'limitations' in the form that might ordinarily be gained by trancing!

If you remain conscious and in your body while channeling then this can be done safely.

Learning how to Channel means taking turns with the person coming through, and not muddying the signal. This is learnable, and if you learn it with intent to carry the Gift to future lifetimes, you will typically learn well.

Use the following invocations, and prepare to adapt them for your Ein Soph representative(s).

"I Am Presence, provide me with a Tube of Light for secure Ein Soph contact through Contact Channeling. The Ein Soph may at their leisure charge through Contact Channeling for clearer signal."

"I Am Presence, provide me with a Tube of Light for secure contact with my Ein Soph representative. The Ein Soph may at their leisure charge through Contact Channeling for clearer signal."

"I Am Presence, provide me a Tube of Light which the Ein Soph may at their leisure charge through Contact Channeling for a clearer signal to appeal to the Ein Soph to answer the following question, if it pleases them: *question*"

UPDATE 11/02/2018

I have been granted something of a 'holy grail' for Channellers: a means of clear, lucid and verbal contact with Spiritual Beings which is explicitly spoken each time. It needs to be reinforced that energetic truth should be in line with your verbal speech to gain the best results - if energetically you are saying 'oh no verbal channeling is scary, RUN AWAY!' then you naturally won't get results as you need to *energetically* open the connection.

Like the vast majority of my Invocations, these can be repurporsed with a bit of intelligence. The top Invocations are held in integrity by the I AM Presence, which is fine. These ones below both need and have Guardian Angel protection built in. I advise you not to mess with that. If you do and get lost in a sea of illusions about who you are channeling, that is entirely *your* fault! Remember this Channeling goes all the way to the physical, and the spoken physical at that, so it is important to do this in integrity. :)

For Guardian Angel contact (start here!)

"I explicitly ask my Guardian Angel to project the Light of his Speech through my Body and Voice. Call out any 'riders' and anyone trying to twist this."
This next one is for contact with the Planetary Soul.
"I explicitly ask my Guardian Angel to hold a connection for the Planetary Soul, Gaia, to project the Light of Her Speech through my Body and Voice.
The Purpose of the Guardian Angel Connection is to ensure True Connection without pretenders.
Call out any 'riders' and anyone trying to twist this."
This method can be used to connect to your Ein Soph representative.
"I explicitly ask my Guardian Angel to hold a connection for my Ein Soph Representative to project the Light of His or Her Speech through my Body and Voice.

The Purpose of the Guardian Angel Connection is to ensure True Connection without pretenders.

Call out any 'riders' and anyone trying to twist this."

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