
On the Aura

"So much and so little is known about the Aura. Here I share my thoughts, and some means of seeing it if you wish."

The aura is difficult to describe and even more difficult to pin down, as it has several layers and they are all constantly in flux. What makes matters even more complex is that different people will generally get different results from reading the same person's aura. Now this is because the aura, unless it is very strong and well defined, will *respond* to the reader's aura. Because the aura is an energetic membrane, the two auras will mix. So someone with a very white aura or a crystal aura will read an aura as brighter than someone with a darker aura. Really, the only way to read an aura accurately is to read your own.

If you want to see your aura you will need to access clairvisual experience; this is simply done by letting your third eye know you want to see your aura, and asking it to show it to you.

If you have blocks in clairvision this will make reading your aura harder; mantras such as "I see with my third eye", "I have anja sight" etc can help but you need to put intent in them for this method to be workable. You may have contracts against seeing with third eye sight; to release them, see the contact as a cloud of energy of what the contract means, then translate it to imaginary paper (let it show you what it will) then burn the paper.

Others may have calcification of the pineal gland, which inhibits third eye sight. To resolve this issue, ask your Third Eye chakra to vibrate as powerfully as it can the appropriate energies to decalcify your third eye. If you have clairaudience (everyone who can read without talking aloud to 'hear' the words has clairaudience; clairaudience is what allows you to listen to words while reading and allows you to get songs stuck in your head; it's not all hearing voices) then you might hear a ringing in your ears. This is fine.

If you can't see with your third eye, extend your hands into the aura and try to see with your hands.

Some might find it easier to listen to, smell, touch or even taste the aura. Your psychic gifts are uniquely yours; it's not for me to tell you how to use them.

So. That's how to read your aura. As for what aura colours mean - aside from it telling you which chakra is feeding more energy into the aura, that's for you to discern. Different people attach different associations to different colours, and this will have an impact on what you percieve - the clairvoyant senses are, after all, responsive to your language. The only surefire way to be sure is to ask the colour what it means. You can ask it to answer emotionally or, if reading the mental aura, mentally, or as a phrase in thought and so on. The auric body you are reading will answer in the language of that auric body rather than in words usually.

The aura has layers; you can ask your third eye to show you the different layers, or all of them at once.

The aura needs to breathe in Light (and breathe out Light) for it to be healthy. A strong aura is a very potent protection against dark magic of all kinds.

There is a very simple invocation for strengthening the aura's light.

"I breathe in Light into my aura with all the Rays until it is completely fulfilled."

That's a good one to repeat a few times.

Now the thing about an aura that has plenty of Light, is that apart from being a fine protection, that Light is also a tradeable resource in energetic Law. And the Rays, the Elohim, are giving Light for free. [Ein Soph note: stolen energy should be returned, not traded. Trade responsibly.]

You can say, "I will spend Light from my aura to make a decent meal happen for myself and a friend" and it has a better chance of happening. The more Light you put into it the more likely it is to happen. Remember a strong aura is potent protection, don't spend all your Auric Light. And remember what you ask for has to be in your life plan - this won't magically give you your own way in everything.

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