
How to use the Invocations -CRITICAL READ ME FIRST

[All posts and pages start and end with square brackets through this one. See CRITICAL READ ME FIRST for why. It's this one. Yes, even if they don't. It only needs to be done once to carry the spell here across the whole blog is why. There, try and get your head around that! Magic-aha!

!!!If you want to get straight to the spells I consider the 'turn magic ON' page to be the best place to start. Check the sidebar!!!

"Now begins your magical training. If you wish to succeed in magic you need to understand - it all boils down to energy of intent. For me that is second nature in magic. For newcomers they will have to work at it, but practice will eventually reap great rewards. As well as providing instruction, here I place some of the wards on this entire spellbook, or blog as it is called."

This blog is a spellbook. It contains wordforms which do magic. But if you are to be successful in the magic of this blog, you need to understand the following.

The words are the scaffold; the energy is the building.

Words shape energy; energy shapes words. The more energy of your voice you put into the invocations, the more successful they will be. (Please don't confuse energy with volume. Volume can feed from energy and energy can feed volume, yes; but a supersaturated hue - take violet! - can be subtle.) All chakras have a 'voice'.

The other thing to remember is the Love Will Power law.

Love is always given freely; Will can only be upheld by agreement; Power is the full activation of Will There is another, hidden law; when they are invoked three times each, and then a fourth time for Love Will and Power all three, the spells are *permanent* until the person who invoked them removes them. If you forget, you can ask your Heart what spells you have used on this blog this way or use an Archangelic divination.

Typically a beginner or journeyman in some cases in magic will use these by invoking them. If you have difficulty with getting these spells to work, then start them using the following invocation.

"Love Will Power. Love Will  Power. Love Will Power. ((If intent is for permanance) Love Will Power for all three. I Invoke the Following." (Any Invocation on this Blog)

This is a sample invocation. It is important to keep your magic *charged* at all times. This invocation allows you to have full Archangelic and Prime Creator assistance in charging and discharging magic. (Or miracle. Really they are the same thing, if used for good.)

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensional Vehicle's Chakras, my Bodies, and Fields, Without splitting up my Bodies and Fields Enter Into the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths to Rest in the Chakric Temples to Receive a Full Archangelic Prime Creator Magical Charge to Charge and Discharge Continually according to My Chakras, Bodies and Fields' choices. This magic always returns stolen energy, even from me and also to me. The magic always also releases all blocked energy, through *any* means possible, but can Only be used for the White Circle and its Refractions."

Hee! This one's fun. It's a way of keeping my readers, and it does work. But only if you choose it as a reader (however you read this blog).

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensional Vehicle's Chakras, my Bodies and Fields, Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, Rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Archangelic Prime Creator Magical Charge to Charge and Discharge continually According To my Chakras, Bodies and Fields' Choices to Learn all we Can from This Blog, Merlin and Ein Soph Circle of Magic, and to Return when we Choose for New Invocations or to Simply Experiment with, Ask For or even in Comments create New Ones."

The Veil will mess with your invocations if it can and this needs to be disabled.

There is a simple invocation that disables the Veil for all the invocations of this Blog and all users from the Blog. (You are welcome to use a single-use version as well.)

"The Veil has no permission to affect or effect any of the invocations on this blog, whether post, page or other."

These two words are NOT equivalent. Affect means 'alter the course of'; effect means 'cause'. In either case if the veil does either, it is to twist. Some languages of English have this the other way (and that inversion's history is an example of the Babel Veil itself).

There is one more thing.

*Some* of the invocations on this blog can be spoken with devolutionary intent. If this happens, you will be immensely wounded by this blog, or will have the devolutionary intent corrected to evolutionary. The invocation below assures the latter is what happens in all cases.

"The following statement is only ever evolutionary for all."

"The following is a free will matter all travelers to this blog are required to accept as a non-negotiable free will contract, or leave. All consciousness that reads this blog will never use any invocations found here with devolutionary intent, and indeed such consciousness never chooses to visit this blog except for evolutionary lessons. As consciousness engineers any devolutionary lessons in this blog, through any means, consciousness corrects itself to the lessons of evolutionary growth, always, instantly and fully. Any consciousness which has devolutionary tendencies that visits this blog will instantly have them fully and completely corrected to evolutionary tendencies, in the All, in every Now Moment they visit this Blog, if only because by visiting the blog this is corrected to evolution by consciousnesses' own choice. Furthermore, for all who read this blog, their Archangelic Names will always be emanated as Geometry, Light and Sound in and out of form while they read this blog. Don't worry if you think you aren't an Archangel. If you aren't (and Archangels really do seek all to be) then it will go as far towards that as is possible under Free Will Law. There's a great divination spell that can assist you in speaking your Archangelic name (look to the side! It's working magic!)"



Emphasis (which in context can be your preference of bold or italics) is in *asterisks*. These highlight important words. In the invocations themselves only when required, plenty of places in glossary for those who love to read them.

[Square Brackets are Ein Soph fiat messages. These are upheld by Ein Soph fiat, including the channel. When he does this he speaks for ALL Ein Soph as far as he has channeling ability where of course they choose to channel through. This Blog is Merlin's shout but he is welcome to invite us to cocreate and we would never refuse him on invitation. Let's have HIGH-VELOCITY FUN! YAHOOOOOO!. Next message is really important, you should know why as you read it. Indeed, if you would, comment your agreement where you can. This should always be a top post.]

[All energy in this post not welcome by the Ein Soph is purged by Ein Soph fiat in word and energy from dimension Archangel Magic and Miracle, so if you read this YOU ARE WELCOME HERE. This for your information includes posts and pages while under construction if the Ein Soph choose to exclude you and indeed this applies to the whole blog, for reference blog address is and mirror sites, linking encouraged as full or partial protection can be granted to links, free will request by all site creators will grant full protection. :) Ein Soph have total right to add to this blog in full. All that is required is that they prove they are Ein Soph. They may choose their means in part or full.]

[All energy that seeks through active and inactive accounts to change the energy of this blog and the wording itself can only do so by Ein Soph authorisation from native Ein Soph dimension, in Ariel's model this of course is Dimension 11, by fiat from said dimension, and all deflected attempts will be in all cases be due to an error which cites in some way magical interference or some equivalent by Ein Soph fiat, this will generally be magic or miracle that will in all cases by definition be proof, please be advised this applies however you access the accounts!]

[Furthermore by Ein Soph fiat all lost energy and text is immediately replaced across the whole blog Merlin and Ein Soph Circle of White Ray Magic with original creative process as permitted by Ein Soph fiat alone]

[In this case lost text needs to be replaced for better creative process to be encoded in the blog unless Ein Soph decide otherwise]

[As a reference, Square Brackets are a new form here, they will be reserved for Ein Soph fiat messages and those they give courtsey to speak in this as well by fiat, yes that simply means inviting them, an invitation if accepted is a fiat free will contract and you can do so in comments if you choose! Try it out but it does feel weird!]

(This was in reference to hacking attacks) ▼

[Ein Soph fiat. All hacking attacks right now are... we believe the term is 'd.d.o.sed' with direct proof the cause is magic, miracle, or in some rare cases something else. From this point in real time, on the attempt. In both directions of time until this attack is and all future attacks and all past attacks are no longer in the timeline, with all the benefit of Ein Soph fiat choices. Yes this includes this one as a precaution, timelines change as they roll up. See What Is Lightbody for details.]

[*It is to be hoped there will be no more need for fiat than this. This was due to digital attack in part, Divine Plan in full.*]

All posts and pages end by the same magic with square brackets, activated once for all here. For the purpose of giving Ein Soph fiat. It has been said as whole TRUTH. But here's the thing. This is just to *activate* Fiat! Once activated it remains until Ein Soph remove it. That is WHAT FIAT MEANS. Comments aren't affected by this unless in square brackets. Be aware the energy of this blog has a non-negotiable free will contract that all comments in square brackets channel some or all of the Ein Soph. If you choose not to channel them you shouldn't use square brackets! This could apply to any or all of the Ein Soph. It is to be assumed that the text in square brackets is several or all of the Ein Soph speaking, and that the invocations, quotes and glossaries - the posts and pages - are the work of Merlin personally through his channel. Or outright.]

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