
Introduction and FAQ -READ ME SECOND!

"You have questions. I have answers. So. Speak."

This blog is designed as a resource for Lightworkers looking for custom invocations (where they have difficulty inventing them themselves) and generally supercharging their light. This first post is a Q&A designed to head off any questions, though if you have a question I will be glad to assist you by answering it directly. Forward your queries to

!!!If you want to get straight to the spells I consider the 'turn magic ON' page to be the best place to start. Check the sidebar!!! 

Question: Why call your blog 'Merlin and Ein Soph Circle of White Ray Magic?

The reasons are complex. First, I have received independently from a number of spiritual sources that I am the reincarnation of Merlin. Not having access to past-life memories, I can't confirm this. I do know I'm channelling him however. Secondly, the Ein Soph are a magic Circle (as any Enochian practitioner, for example, would agree) and Merlin works with them in powerful magic. The magical community are largely in agreement that Merlin only uses white magic (and I can tell you for certain that they are right).

Question: Tl;Dr

Go away. If you don't have the time to read my blog you are in the wrong place. I am *eloquent*, I am *wordy*. I am a *Master of the English language*. I also am a *Master of English Comprehension*. My articles are *information-dense* because they are there to *inform* in as *few words* as it *takes*. This is usually a *lot of words*. My techniques *work for me*. There is no guarantee they will *work for you* All is provided *as-is* without *Warranty* including the *implied warranty of merchantability* or *fitness for purpose*. The healing invocations *are not medical advice* and as required by law I advise you to *see your doctor* if you are unwell. Whatever I think about allopathic medicine.

Question: What is Light?

It is the stuff the Universe is made manifest from, in the most basic expression. It is also something good to have a lot of. It is that which teaches all lessons and the fount of all knowledge.

Question: Okay clever dick, what is love?

Basically the 'glue' that holds the Universe together. Also something good to have a lot of.

Question: I see loads of invocations on your blog. I have used one or more of them and would like to share how I feel they have affected/effected me. Can I contact you?


Statement: An invocation/invocations has/have affected me in ways I don't like that I didn't expect.

Contact me on *immediately* and share your *full* experience. I will, with your permission, add it to the appropriate place on my blog that others may be forewarned.

Statement: I feel techniques on your site are too advanced for the planet/too dangerous/too transformative and want you to pull them.

In certain cases I feel that way too, but have taken a judgement call to share them. If you feel this way contact me at once and share your views. It may be what is needed for me to pull something dangerous. Contact me at We can discuss what needs taking down, or other more appropriate places for my invocations there.

Question: I like making multidimensional friends and want to become yours. Is that okay?

Ask my Multidimensional Self. Not my judgement call. Merlin, definitely yes, he loves making friends. If my multidimensional self is okay with becoming your multidimensional friend I'm fine by it.

Question: Do you do healing work?  Can I call on you for assistance? Help, I'm under Dark Attack, can you help?

Yes to all of these. If you are under attack *immediately* read the appropriate section(s) here and take on the advice given. If you want to book a Skype session with me - it's free! I'll accept donations but I don't charge - then Email me, and I'll get you set up with a Skype handle. or we can go through Google Hangouts, that also has a video call function. I'm only on that Skype for doing sessions; you'll want to Email first. We can sort this out. See the section on defence against dark attacks for ideas.

Question: You did your best but I'm under dark attack even after you helped me, can you recommend assistance?

Integrity demands I don't link to people on this blog without their permission. This section will be filled out as time passes. However the site has been set up around this need - while I don't have personal experience working with the people on this site, I can recommend the site as one of integrity (at least as far as I know).

I can also recommend Kunde-Ra Rah and Kameha, two Lightworkers who have assisted me greatly in the past. In fact there is a decent chance you reached me through them! They are extremely nice people who are very forgiving if you can't afford the full price (though be aware that if you are strapped for cash you'll need to make some sort of value exchange with them). They have been very generous with their time with me in the past so I am very generous with them when I can afford it. As a system it works well. If you can't afford their help you can always book a Skype session with me (email first) (and I have been known to fund generous causes in the past; I might be willing to pay part or all of a session's costs for you, either from my credit with them or directly. Can't hurt to ask.) You can find Kunde-Ra and Kameha on and

And of course there are the now considerable resources of the Gaia Confederation. If you want to support us.

Question: I'm aggravated by your British English and meticulously accurate grammar.

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Question: I have a question not listed here and it's BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS, how could you have missed it?

Contact me at and I will correct the error. Apologies.

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