
Merlin Entity Release

"Possessing Spirits, Djinni, Efreets... Whatever you call them there exist dangers in the subtle planes that can totally twist your nature. My channel knows that too well and it is a part of his Mission to ensure people are protected. Hence these spells."

Please share this with everyone in the Lightworker mission you feel has entity issues (so that's probably most of us at this stage). This first technique is the most powerful Entity Release spell that has been codified into any language. The second is also very powerful. I have found this is even more effective that the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. It works!

-The Ein Soph banisher uses a different technique, recommended you use these two together.

This one at the top is new. By all means support it with the other protections on this site. However stubborn entities might need this new technique.

To explain how it works, your Chakras use Frequencies and Geometries in their language - the Geometries formed out of the Frequencies. The technical name for Geometries used in Magic is 'Sigil', and their study is at the core of Merkaba Mysticism.

"I Activate the Layered Frequency-Sigil in All Planes of Density to Form a Vortex Explicity For Forcibly Removing all Possessing Entities and Throwing them into the Entity Release Tunnels of Light. The Entity Release Tunnels of Light will be Informed by the Frequency-Sigil as Needed."

***My student has found invoking this with the assistance of the Guardian Angel is very effective!***

For Entity Release, by all means invoke Ariel, Azreal and Aru-Kiri's Tunnels of Light each time. It is also worth invoking Mikael. Give them licence to Invoke additional Tunnels.

This gives the entity you are Releasing the best chance of going to the 'good place'. Try to do this even if you feel the entity doesn't deserve it, as if they don't, they may have the option to earn the 'good place' - reforming in the process - rather than going to the 'bad place' where reformation is less likely.

Once the Tunnels of Light have been Invoked, spear the entity with a Beam of Light emanated by the Orb of the Unified Chakra and Field. This Beam honours inherent Law and cannot break it; be sure to invoke that as it makes the Beam much more powerful! The more powerful your Unified Chakra and Field, the more powerful the hold, so obviously you'll want to pursue that too.

Once the Entity is speared and held which only takes the time to think about it, you should throw the Entity into the Tunnel of Light that inherent Law - and the Entity's own choice within inherent Law - has assigned.

If your Unified Chakra and Field is having trouble lasering and holding the Entity for release, appeal to the Planet for help right away. A good place to start is the Ein Soph and the Lightworker Mission. The Merlin Order as within the Lightworker Mission are great at this, but we are not the only order that knows this techinque. If for any reason you feel your appeal has been unheard then draw this to your Guardian Angel's attention straight away. :)

Credit for the original Entity Release that was used as a base for this rests with Alchemical Mage. The refinement for the Beam is credited to the entire Merlin order and Merlin Ein Soph.

"I invoke the Full Protection of my Subtle Bodies of Gold, Platinum, Rapture and Crystallised Source by Fiat of All Four sets of Laws at once! All possessing entities are to be Forcibly Removed from All my Manifestations of Form, Branded for their Crimes, and This is to be Kept Up to Date in Real Time as a Standing Wave Spell! Furthermore they are to be BANISHED to the afterlives they have earned through the Tunnels of Light of the Rays, which are to Scan for Possessing Entities out of Contract Specifically with This Also in Real Time, as part of the Standing Wave Spell All Stolen Energy must be Returned and All Damage Healed, by Fiat of Light and Lightbody Law! By Fiat of my Divine Will, this Spell is Inherited by All Future Lifetimes!"

For historical reasons I quote exactly the channeled message Takrael brought in when, in conversation with a student, I came up with this.

"Yahoo! High Velocity Fun! Seraphiel and Takrael love this! Put it on the blog under 'Merlin Entity Release!' -Takrael"

So I found that there are cases where another Invocation is neccessary, both for immunity and  removal of entities. This one is *guaranteed* to work in all cases. Removes them from the physical plane until they reform and earn it back, every time, so these ones are very much usable.

This magic directly affects and protects the physical plane. Please ask your physical body to cast these spells with you. :)

I've asked an Ein Soph representative to provide additional blurb for this spell. Got ALL the Ein Soph - they like this one!

[All Ein Soph here. This Invocation is proven effective in 100% of possession cases, as verified by Ein Soph. Seraphiel, Kavyo, Zaraziel. Get up to speed!]

This is a very important technique that I implore you to use, immediately! If you doubt you have the right to Avatar Abilities, ask Lightbody for help!

"I activate my full-specturm Avatar Abilities in Accordance with the Balance of my Heart for immunity to all kinds of entity attachment in Accordance with Lightbody Law!"

It should be noted that immunity does not equal removal of existing entities. For that, you need a specific Invocation. (Typical case of magic giving you *exactly* what you ask for. 😛 )

"I activate my full-specturm Avatar Abilities in Accordance with the Balance of my Heart for removal of all kinds of entity attachment in Accordance with Lightbody Law! These entities are to be Thrown through the Tunnels of Light! If This cannot be Done, they are to be Sent to the Afterlives they have Earned, and Sealed Away from the Physical Plane until they have Earned it Back!"

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