
Chakra Dancing

"Chakras were always intended to work together. Specific Chakric patterns have different effects. Note the use of the Hands and Feet, which are remarkably flexible in the Human species."
There are patterns you can ask your Chakras to assert. This applies even if you can't sense Chakric energy; the Chakras are intelligent, after all.

The first pattern is for neutralising polarities, and here's a little prose on *why* it works. We'll get to setting it up in a moment. 

Basically, in the Human blueprint, we have hands with opposable thumbs. It's a trick of evolution that has brought us from trees to maglev trains. 

This trick of evolution has also affected how we can use our Chakras.
The hands have the highest frequencies of the entire body in intensity, although there are Chakras that have them beat in hue and saturation. 

The hands are most commonly used for 'boosting' or projecting energy. 

The feet are also high frequency, though left to their own devices they use this for grounding.
Quadrupeds are set up differently, of course. I think in quadrupeds that all four feet are used for grounding in most species. 

(Or hooves. Or whatever.) 

So what I'm going to teach here is three Chakric 'patterns' you can set up.
One is two specialist patterns combined. 

Ask your Heart Field to expand through all seven Major Chakras and as far as the hands and feet for this. If it comes up against blocks ask it to try, and keep trying until it succeeds. You don't have to wait until it does to use these patterns. 

So the first pattern I'm teaching comes in two parts, and is used for *neutralising polarities*. The first part is to project the energy from the Upper Three Chakras - Voice, Third Eye and Crown - through the Hands. The Heart holds the balance. And the Lower Three Chakras - Solar Plexus, Loin and Base - through the Feet. If the Heart holds the balance while you do this you should feel really good. This is a method for holding the positive polarity, and you need to be careful, because not all polarities are honest. 

The second part is something which remarkably few species are capable of. Humans can hold, and even thrive in, the polarity of the lower Chakras as predominant. This next one if you aren't used to it feels weird. Unless you are used to this it will probably feel 'off' and I recommend not using either of these on their own all the time. Because this one sets things in reverse. 

The second part is to project the energy from the Lower Three Chakras - Solar Plexus, Loin and Base - through the Hands. The Heart holds the balance. And the Upper Three Chakras - Voice, Third Eye and Crown - through the Feet. This one is for holding the balance of the lower three Chakras and most feel like this is a 'negative' path. 

Actually positive and negative are the wrong words to use. The first pattern is for boosting (welcoming the New). The second is for grounding (letting go of the Old). Put like this, why choose?
This Chakra Dance is a Mastery Technique, in that it completely overcomes polarity. 

You will still sense the polarities of others around you, and you might even not like it. But as a neutral pole you will be able to do something about it. 

Invocation time. 

"Heart Field, expand all the way to my Hands and Feet and hold the Balance. Upper Three Chakras and Lower Three Chakras, Alternatively Boost through Hands and Feet for the Neutralisation of Polarities, the Cleansing of Polarities and At the Right Time, the Manifestation of Healthful Polarities."

*It should be noted that cleansing of polarities YOU WILL FEEL! Honour these Laws: You lead by example. Optionally: You heal others' wounds by resonating with them yourself. CODICIL: You only take on what you can heal in yourself and others to the balance, and NEVER beyond it.*

My understanding is that first you get a neutral polarity, and possibly you'll feel a bit 'off'. Over time you'll basically cleanse the polarities that are stale, or deceitful, and then there will be a wonderful sense of peace, and then some healthy polarities will come in.

This alternative pulsing is very powerful. You can expect your Kundalini to rise very quickly with this technique.

This 'Chakra Dance' is an involved Invocation. Trust your Physical Body and your Subtle Holography to get this right.

Okay, so to start off we'll touch on an important point. All Chakras in Form have a neighboring Chakra, *including the Crown and Base*. 

The Crown and Base Chakras neighbor non-embodied Chakras. 

All Chakras in the World of Form, when the neighboring Chakras hold them in integrity, are in what is called Impeccable Function. 

This is great for Chakric Cleansing which is what this is for. Go through step by step and if you feel energy working, wait before going to the next step. 

We'll start with the Physical. 

"Base Chakra of my Physical Form. The Non-Embodied Chakra Below and the Loin are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Base." 

"Loin Chakra of my Physical Form. The Base Chakra and the Solar Plexus are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Loin." 

"Solar Plexus Chakra of my Physical Form. The Loin Chakra Below and the Heart are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Solar Plexus." 

"Heart Chakra of my Physical Form. The Solar Plexus and the Voice are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Heart." 

"Voice Chakra of my Physical Form. The Heart and the Third Eye are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Voice." 

"Third Eye Chakra of my Physical Form. The Voice and the Crown are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Third Eye."

 "Crown Chakra of my Physical Form. The Third Eye and the Non Embodied Chakra Above are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Crown." 

The next stage is to do this with what is called the *full holography* of your Subtle Bodies, which will generally be the Etheric and the Seven Subtle Bodies of the Seven Rays. Some have the higher Subtle Bodies as well. The term 'full holography' covers this, no matter what. 

"Base Chakra of the Full Holography of my Subtle Bodies. The Non-Embodied Chakra Below and the Loin are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Base."

"Loin Chakra of the Full Holography of my Subtle Bodies. The Base Chakra and the Solar Plexus are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Loin."

"Solar Plexus Chakra of the Full Holography of my Subtle Bodies. The Loin Chakra Below and the Heart are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Solar Plexus."

"Heart Chakra of the Full Holography of my Subtle Bodies. The Solar Plexus and the Voice are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Heart."

"Voice Chakra of the Full Holography of my Subtle Bodies. The Heart and the Third Eye are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Voice."

"Third Eye Chakra of the Full Holography of my Subtle Bodies. The Voice and the Crown are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Third Eye."

"Crown Chakra of the Full Holography of my Subtle Bodies. The Third Eye and the Non Embodied Chakra Above are to hold you in full integrity. Fully cleanse all false Visions of the Crown."

The last bit is a Chakra Dance that does this as a constant sweep, activating Kundalini at the same time, so even if there is nothing to clean it isn't a wasted dance. 

"This is to be a Physical Chakra Dance and a Chakra Dance of the Full Holography of Subtle Bodies both. Seven Rays of Form, Chakras of the Seven Rays. The Neighboring Chakras hold you in Integity as you Light Up, One at a Time, Healing, Cleansing, Charging Fully and Activating Kundalini. Each Activation forms a Layer and there are Endless Layers. This is to be a permanent Chakra Dance."

Okay! These next two patterns are 'scaffolding' for the Unified Chakra and Field, and are very simple.
The first pattern is of the Loin Chakra, the Heart, and the Third Eye. 

The Third Eye and Loin are Chakras that are on opposite sides of the Heart. They can only understand each other by going through the Heart. They can only successfully work together by the Heart's balance. 

When they work together you have the benefit of the Law of Mirroring; also the Law of Reflection. This is a potent magical defence. 

"Heart, hold the Centre. Loin and Third Eye, actively work together through the Heart's Balance."
This next one is somewhat more complicated, involving five of the main Chakras. These Chakras working together, particularly with intent, create a very stable signature. These five working together is a matter of the Law of Form. They are the Base, Solar Plexus, Heart for balance, Voice, and Crown. 

"Heart, hold the Centre. Crown and Base, Voice and Solar Plexus, actively work together through the Heart's Balance."

That's it for this one.

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