
Spiritual Warfare -the Magical Defences

"So. You want to see how to defend yourself in the world of magic? Don't worry. I'm a byword for magical expertise. Merlin will show you how!"

READ ME FIRST! The 'Ein Soph Banisher' is above this page for a reason, as is the 'Merlin Entity Release, the Merlin Astral Parasite Removal and the Merlin Curse Break. Try them FIRST and if you still have problems - which would be *extraordinary* - then ask the Ein Soph for channeled Magnificence, explaining exactly what the issue is, ask your Chakras to Unify (and Unify *with* your Chakras) and go through this once you have done that prep. If you have further problems do not hesitate to contact me!

[Ein Soph note - these technologies are still of use and if you feel the need you can use them to supplement your working!]

First, the blog defences. This is something of a nuclear option, but the idea of the magic in this blog in the wrong hands is terrifying.

This section contains a technique I have developed to ensure dark forces do not access my blog, and if they do, they turn to the Light. It may be shared freely.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages as a matter of Free Will: If I am a dark force reading any part of any site which contains merlinandeinsophcircleofwhiteraymagic in the site address or anything such sites or webpages create I honestly and truthfully choose unconditionally on my part, if astral, to immediately go into Archangel Mikael's Tunnel of Light to the fifth dimension or as it is also known the Lightbody Dimension whether or not I choose to read this; if unable to access the Tunnel of Light I honestly and truthfully on my part whether or not I have read this invocation agree to take one of the following choices, one, immediately leave the site that contains merlinandeinsophcircleofwhiteraymagic in the site address, two, renege on the dark forces and openly join the Light forces, three, act as a 'double agent' favouring the Light Forces, four, immediately die; furthermore I will do all in my power to remove all sites that have merlinandeinsophcircleofwhiteraymagic in the address from all dark blacklists; if I am a dark force I agree this entire paragraph applies to me regardless of reading and comprehension."

This may seem like entrapment but all information is available to all in the Heart, which is the basis of how this works. If someone visits this site, at Heart Level they choose to do so therefore at Heart Level they agree to these terms (unless at Heart Level there is an exception, which in Heart Terms is fine). What this is, is defence against those who break the Heart's Laws. It is a little unwieldy but I have to be certain the dark forces will be targeted by the correct site. If you want to shield your own site in the same way simply substitute the unique identifier - in this case merlinandeinsophcircleofwhiteraymagic - with your own unique identifier within your web address.

Please be aware that techniques like this only work if allowed by the Heart. If used with intent that seeks to bypass Heart Choice, the spell will 'fizzle'.


If you are under dark attack, the first thing you need to do is ask for help. I strongly advise you try the techniques here first. If they don't work, here are some people you can contact.

Kunde-Ra and Kameha of specialise in transmuting dark entities. Consider booking a session.

The site has been set up around this need - while I don't have personal experience working with the people on this site, I can recommend the site as one of integrity (at least as far as I know).

Sessions with me are free. I was Archangelically Reiki attuned, by channeled Ein Soph and other Archangels. However I cannot currently afford to be assessed for Reiki ability - that might change in a few months -  and am not officially accredited. I'd appreciate a Reiki assessor getting in touch actually. I also have Archangelic Wings which are usually on planetary secondment for the Wings around the Planet Program, and lots of other tricks. I never give in on a client! You can book a session with me at on Google Hangouts any time. If you would rather another video call option send me an Email with your specifications and I'll sort something out. It is important to contact me through the blog or Email (there's a contact form on the right sidebar.). I will do what I can to accommodate you. Free will donations are accepted and encouraged (but certainly NOT demanded); if you feel it worth it let me know you wish to donate and you will receive a paypal link. Or look to Tip the Wizard, to the right.

Most of the protective techniques here are for when you're in trouble. They can *all* also be used as precautions, save the section on advanced diagnosis, which can be used to see if precautions are needed... up to a point. The main focus is on clearing riders and possessing spirits out and making your environment intolerably high energy for them. There is also an invocation immediately below for dealing with energy theft and vampirism.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I instruct all of my energy to return to me where stolen and I also instruct all my energy to never tolerate being stolen again, reporting to me through energetic song each attempt."

This next one is a Prime Creator technique. The custom on this blog is Prime Creator is ALL CAPS.

Yes, Prime Creator's magic is the strongest this blog has. Imagine if it's Prime Creator and all the Ein Soph in Prime Creator function! Guess what, this is just that.


This next one is also a PRIME CREATOR technique. All the Ein Soph are also in Prime Creator function, as if you choose are you for this. Please do understand; anyone can go into Prime Creator Function, there's no barrier to entry. [Confirmed by all Ein Soph!] If you are having difficulties, ask Prime Creator to link you to that aspect of yourself. [Ein Soph note - specifically ask the Prime Creator the whole Universe is agreed on for this, that makes it impossible for pretenders to sieze the connection which can be an issue - it's a question of your picture of Prime Creator viz a viz the genuine article.]


[Ein Soph plea - This is important. Stealing energy is just wrong, there are no excuses, and crucially, *stolen energy in you weakens your Silver Sheath and in extreme cases can even prevent it from correctly sealing*. Get OUT of the energy theft game. This is a way that you can do this, as the Silver Sheath prevents *all* energy theft. We can gurantee AND SO CAN PRIME CREATOR THAT THE SILVER SHEATH IS WORTH RETURNING STOLEN ENERGY!! APART FROM ANYTHING ELSE YOU GET *YOUR* STOLEN ENERGY BACK!]

It may be a good idea to appeal to the Chakra Grid for help. The full details on what this is and how it works are under 'Other Spiritual Invocations' but if you're here you're probably in a hurry so I'll get to the invocations for this.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I request that my Chakras be permitted to join the network appropriate for them in the wider Transpersonal Chakra Grid for appropriate amplitude and frequency support for energetic, magical and psychic defence."

Transpersonal is important; it keeps you from beimg trapped in Karma. There's a group Lightworkers and particularly Lightwarriors are bringing to justice who are stagnating this karma game by creating stagnation in it through illegal Karmic proxying, which is a major reason ours is due to end. I am extremely pleased to say I am taking an active role in this.

Why not go planetary?

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I request that my Chakras be allowed to join the network of Planetary Chakras appropriate for them for energetic, magical and psychic defense."

This is handy for warding off attacks. Use the next top invocation twice, as suggested - you should always carry a charge of magic, and renew it when used.

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensionally Vehicular Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Archangelic Magical Charge."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Circles of Infinite Circumferences and Spheres of Endless Depths, please use all the active and passive Archangelic Grade Spiritual Warfare, offensively and defensively, actively and passively, that you can to deal with the attack I am experiencing. Take 'em to the cleaners!"

It's good discipline to charge this once used.

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensional Vehicle's Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Archangelic Magical Charge."

One of the most pernicious and dangerous attacks the dark forces are capable of is 'possessing' your voice. They call it 'surfing' the voice. If this happens your spoken requests for help won't fully count except energetically as you would be saying them through the Dark Forces' filters. Of course energetic calls do work, and they try to be subtle following your wording. Please force through the following wording if you have this issue, calling with the Heart for the support of the Ein Soph in this.

Be reassured. With how this is worded, if you *are* the rightful occupant of your body speaking then it will still affect you.

"I ask in the name of I AM THAT I AM that the Destroyer Force Angels and the Takh Continuum ensure that for the following invocations only the rightful occupant of the body I am speaking through be permitted to speak them."

Start by asking your own I AM presence to assist you with the Tube of Light. Here's an invocation for that. For the prose it's under the Light Supercharging and Unified Chakra, Field etc. page. However I feel if you're looking at this you're in need, so I'm dispensing with the fluff and getting straight to the invocations.

"I appeal to the I AM Presence that I AM and Always Have Been and Always Will Be:
In this Life reach across the Veil of Time and Space and hear my Plea.
Give me the Tube of Light of my I AM Presence.
From the moment I form my first breath.
As I form in the womb.
Until I wither and die like an old leaf.
And at the time of transition, if I make no request for it to be released, let it stay.
And this is to be so across the veil of years, into the past lives, all of them, except those which refuse it.
I ask this in the name of the eternal, the I AM THAT I AM.
And as it is decreed, so it is!"

This next one is for an appeal to the Ein Soph for a protective Circle. The I AM Presence can be appealed to through the Tube of Light to support that, and if you don't feel anything don't worry - it will be there if you need it. [Ein Soph note - if you specifically ask Merlin to help with that it's fine, but specifically ask for ALL Ein Soph as well.]

"I speak with the Threefold Flame Energised, Balanced and Spiralling ON in All Dimensions and Worlds! Ein Soph, by Project Victory for Planet Earth, I accept a Protective Circle of my Guides, Guardian Angel and the Ein Soph!"

No, I don't accept donations in advance. It's an integrity thing. But there is a donations button on the blog.

Next is a very powerful technique I call the 'Light-Bubble'.

It's an invocation so will be given in that form.

"Under the auspices of my Free Will, in all evolutionary languages, I request an I AM THAT I AM Light Sphere of White Ray Fulfilment of the highest octave I need to be provided by the Presence. I ask as an additional measure it be protected by the I AM THAT I AM Presence of Rapture, as a skin around the Fulfilment, to keep dark entities from reaching me."

Say that and the dark attacks should abate.

The website contains techniques called the Entity Release, the Astral Parasite Removal, the Quad Grid and the Divine Light Integration. Those aren't mine; other Ein Soph came up with them. I strongly advise anyone under dark attack check them out. The Unified Chakra can help screen out dark attack, the Unified Field meditation can also help with this and the Divine Light Integration Meditation may make you less accessible to them. The Quad Grid is great for setting up a nice energetic field. But be careful. With the Quad Grid I leave it to my I AM presence and those who set it up (as in the official Alchemical Mage invocation) to decide what energies are there. I have also requested a weekly refresh, and all the shapes of Metatron's Cube held in stability by the Sphere, fully stellated and layered into each other across all three orthagonals in D3 through D11 as appropriate.

There's a whole section on Unified Chakra and Field magic here on my blog, it's a passion for us Ein Soph. Too much to add here in an emergency, and they need to be regularly used for full effect, but using them now can help. The Divine Light Integration is great; it's one of those I haven't tinkered with, it's pretty perfect as is. Try them all out. All these techniques except my Unified Chakra refinements are available at

For the Quad Grid it's often hard to know what to ask for. Here's an invocation that leaves it to your Archangelic self. If you don't have one it goes to your Archangelic representative, and using it this way helps you earn Archangelic rank, so use as is.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; By the 108 sacred Yogic breaths as one breath I request a Quad Grid for my home according to the Archangel I AM." (Breathe in and out once after usage).

Here's another powerful invocation.

Sometimes the dark forces use technology to spew out nastiness. This invocation is designed to stop this.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Under the Auspices of my Free Will I command that all negative technology that isn't required for infrastructure I need cease functioning absolutely, and that all that is shifts to run off positive energy alone by Divine Archangelic Fiat of Light Law. As Ambassador for Gaia I ask for this across all this world's technology, where I have the right in energetic Law to do so. And it is SO by FREE WILL LAW!"

Dark Lord Contract Dissolution - shared with permission from Kavyo of Alchemical Mage.

First be aware that while by request I share the below in its original wording this may not be sufficient for all. You absolutely *must* state that the defences you request be given to the rightful occupant of the body you are speaking from. Otherwise a possessing entity could speak it for you - possibly several interrupting each other - creating no effect. Be aware of this before using this technique. Request that your Spirit unify your chakras for you stating why you need them unified, i.e. that it is for a Dark Lord Contract Dissolution. In such an eventuality Spirit generally snaps them straight into unity; if you're having trouble there's a dedicated Unified Chakra and Field section on this blog. I was asked to share this exactly, unedited, and have kept that accord; but I have added a top line to prevent chanelling abuse.


Make sure your chakras are fully unified. Call upon Michael-elihu, Archangel Michael, the Legions of Michael, the 5th-Dimensional Karma Board, the Takh Continuum, Grace, Liberty, Victory Elohim to bear witness and assist as required. Also, be sure you complete the Contract Dissolution--don't let yourself be interrupted halfway! There may be some entities that may try to interfere--have the Destroyer Force Angels and the Takh stand guard over you before you do this.

The top bit is an addition. Its use is to ensure that no devolutionary wording creeps in. The invocation itself, by request, remains unchanged.

"The rightful occupant of the body speaking declares the following in all evolutionary languages." (In case of chanelling abuse)

"As a Lightworker of my Divine Lineage, by the Force of Grace and under the auspices of Project Victory for Planet Earth, I hereby dissolve and release all contracts, agreements and karmic interactions with any and all beings, on any and all dimensions, from any and all Universal Systems, which allow for interference with my physical well-being, and/or destruction of and damage to my physical body. I further release all karma and contracts, by the Force of Grace, with these beings that allow for interference with any of my energy fields and consciousness levels and/or destruction and/or damage of same. By the Will of the Ein Soph, all such contracts are hereby revoked by me under the auspices of my Free Will, and made null and Void, NOW. Any being with whom I have such contracts, if there is any problem or complaint with this dissolution, must immediately forward such complaint to the Karma Board on the 5th-Dimension, and in such case I must be informed, by Divine Law."

(Dark Lords, being 4th-Dimensional, will not be able to access the Karma Board in this way. If they manage to, they merge with their 5th-Dimensional selves and heal the breach, so it turns out well no matter what happens! That Ariel is SNEAKY. ;)


I would advise that it would be a good idea to ask for any damage that was done to you by the dark forces to be healed after this. Again ensure you are speaking for yourself in this, in your evolutionary language.

Let's talk advanced anti-possession tactics. We can diagnose with a single divination, but there's a danger of freak-out, so I'm giving you the solutions FIRST.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Heart Chakra, hold the Centre as ALL Chakras dance the dance of Completion with all 'riders' and possessing entities until complete. Do *not* stop until completion, and do so for all Chakras, Bodies, and Fields. Do this with all 'riders' and posssessing entities as they come in. Remember the goal is Instant Completion and Instant Separation for all black-body entities."

This is a good starting point. In fact it's very powerful, it may be all you need.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; By the 108 sacred Yogic breaths as one breath I banish all counter-evolutionary forces involved in my case to their energetic Home." (Breathe in and out once)

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; By my Rainbow Being I banish, permanently, all possessing influences from myself and prevent them from reattaching."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; By my Rainbow Being I create a stable, self sustaining Protective Shield of All Hues merged Fully to the White Ray that constantly, using All Hues, scans for all types of possession and banishes them to surround Me and All Others who are Involved in My Case." (This invocation can also be used for others who aren't involved in your case if you have the energy to handle it.)

These four technologies combined should banish most things that aren't welcome.

These are nice ones that are quick and simple, but sometimes it's more serious. So call in the Legions of Mikael!

"I request the following in all evolutionary languages; Legions of Mikael, please scan to determine if assistance is required before intervening - any scans, however invasive, are permitted. I request assistance with Spiritual Hygiene. Please bear witness to the fact that I rescind and break totally all contracts I have with all riders and posssessing entities. I request the removal of all riders and possessing entites from my Chakras, Bodies and Fields - all of them. Once this is done, I request assistance to completely heal my Auric Membrane, which is also known as the Auric Sheath and Auric Glove. Please assist my Auric Sheath to full and total health."

Speaking of Auric Membranes, some of the nastier dark forces cord to them. Let's deal with that shall we?

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I request the highest grade frequency I have the right to in Light Law for protection against Auric Cording, both in the Aura and Auric Membrane. I request my frequency rights here be reviewed at least once a week, preferably once a day, and on each attack."

For Diagnosis and Further Treatment

Alright, first of all you need to know that possession can strike on many levels, and *no matter what happens* no-one can possess your Will. The solar plexus centre can be possessed - this is very dangerous - but your own Will is always held in integrity by Creator.


Okay, there's a divination tactic on this blog which works on the Divination page, copied and adapted for this.

"By the Archangelic Runegrid whose All sides, internal and external, are all face up and only allow face up Archangelic Runes with the Flower of Life in the exact centre to land upon them, the Heart of my Body divines whether I am possession and rider clear, and if not, I divine how long it will take until I am with repeated use of the above Invocations. I cast the Runes as they fall and read them aloud."

For channellers, there is also a group of invocations for Ein Soph contact on the Ein Soph Channeling page.

That is all I have on possession. Hasn't troubled me for ages. Contact me if you need help.


Defensive Magic

There are solutions. The anti-Archon tech the Cobra crew will want is really heavy duty defensive magic; it's important enough to have its own section.

A technique using the Metatronic Spiral

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I ask a Metatronic Spiral to burn within and through my home and body to keep all negative 'self talk' and all negative psy-ops out with the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Such a Metatronic Spiral is also to Emanate from my Heart at All Times."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; By the 108 sacred Yogic breaths as one breath I burn Prana through my home to banish all negative spirits." (Breathe once in and out)

This one uses the Endless Qualities of Light. So far it's a unique one on this blog.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Multidimensional Vehicle, simultaneously implode and explode in all the Qualities of Light I am authorised to use in this lifetime, including the Void-Source, as a unified function. Supersaturate my Field of Multidimensional Radiance with all the Qualities of Light I am authorised to use in this lifetime, including the Void-Source. Do so in unified Spin and unified Implosion and Explosion for all invoked Qualities. Do so at once for all Chakras up to Archangelic level, all Lightbody Chakras and all Chakras of the Multidimensional Vehicle. This is for the remainder of my incarnation for the purpose of rendering my environment intolerable to lower resonance beings. With the physically embodied, use discernment."

The devolutionary forces seek to devolve others. The Dark Forces *are* the Devolutionary Forces.

The Light Forces stand for the Increase of Light. The Dark, its diminishment.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Multidimensional Vehicle, please deflect all devolutionary magic scanning for it with Light of All Hues, invert it to evolutionary magic, and mirror it to the sender or share it with me and the sender, as needed. Where there is nothing to redeem simply dissolve it. As a last resort if these are impossible to do use the final and definitely last option - the Law of Mirroring and Return combined to simply reflect it. Continual overwatch and scanning requested."

This invocation activates a Mirror Shield for all devolutionary Lessons. Evolutionary lessons are unaffected.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; My energy appeals to the Ein Soph for a Mirror Shield that reflects all devolutionary lessons away, translating them to evolutionary lessons, unless the translated lessons are of worth to myself and the Ein Soph advise I participate by agreement in which case they are reflected and shared."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I am surrounded by the geometries of Metatron's Shield and Shekhina's Shield, interlaced and interlocked with Prime Source."

Repeat to reinforce. Darksiders don't seem to be able to mess with the voice on this one.

The 'Flower of Life Sphere' is like the flower of life, but on a 3d basis - intersecting spheres rather than intersecting circles. Another name for it is Shekhina's Sphere. I coined both of these terms but I'd be shocked if I was the first to discover the geometries.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; My own personal Shekhina's Sphere: Interlace and interlock with Metatron's Shield. Mirror coating on the outside as needed."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; My own personal Shekhina's Sphere: Handshake with Metatron and the Ein Soph for Lightworker and Lightwarrior level support. Defend against all forms of energetic and psychic attack. Allow for provision of Spirit for all finances, including the resource of Time."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Ein Soph, I call on your Council. There are entities troubling me with [describe what is troubling you]. I request their *immediate* and *full* banishment, in perpetuity, through an Ein Soph Banishment Circle and Sphere. Please inform if they are a part of the Plan, and if so, advise on my course of action. (optional, for use with the below) Please also watch over me as I install defensive Chi Balls in the area. Thank you."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Rays, I am about to begin Chi Ball work on a large, extended scale for Archangelic Grade Positive Spiritual Warfare. I request the Endless Provision of Chi."

The Chi Ball invocations took me a while but when I added the fields they completed quickly. And my hands were all over the place while clasping, quite literally being buffeted by my fields.

Here's instructions on Chi Ball construction.

Place your palms together in front of you. I prefer to clasp them while standing, or for those that take a while I might sit down. This is your beginning point for Chi Ball connection - you have to start out with a palm circuit.  They don't have to be pushed apart to form a Chi Ball. With these invocations your hands coming apart is actually a sign the Chi Ball is done, unless it really is powerful enough under construction to push the hands apart. For really large scale working you can expect your hands to be pulled all over the place by your fields. Once in a while ask your Chi Ball or Chi balls to pull your hands apart if done. The invocations might take a while to complete. If you don't have Archangelic grade abilities (trust me on this, anyone can gain them and trying to exercise them helps) then ask the Archangelic assistance to guide your hands apart when done. But don't be a passive participant; it all helps.

"All embodied Chakras and Fields, Alpha and Omega Chakras and Fields, Non Embodied Chakras and Fields and Multidimensional Vehicle Chakras and Fields; I request Chakra and Field Light Mirror Spheres supersaturated as far as my energy can take them that reflect perfectly at no effort and charge exponentially at my Centre of Least Resistance at no effort to act as both active and passive Archangelic Grade Positive Spiritual Warfare offence and defence in my area, surrounding me at all times, my home, my hometown and everywhere else I go regularly or have reason to go occasionally. Build through Chi Balls, separating my hands naturally when done. Install."

This one can be used for others too. This version is for groups of people, such as friends, family and pets.

"All embodied Chakras and Fields, Alpha and Omega Chakras and Fields, Non Embodied Chakras and Fields and Multidimensional Vehicle Chakras and Fields; I request Chakra and Field Light Mirror Spheres supersaturated as far as my energy can take them that reflect perfectly at no effort and charge exponentially at my Centre of Least Resistance at no effort to act as both active and passive Archangelic Grade Positive Spiritual Warfare offence and defence in my area, surrounding [names of friends, family and pets] at all times, their homes, their hometowns and everywhere else they go regularly or have reason to go occasionally. Build through Chi Balls, separating my hands naturally when done. Install."

This should be enough for most. There are few things I enjoy more than going 'toe to toe' with dark forces; by all means contact me and we can arrange a session on Google Hangouts (if you need another means of video calling let me know). You can use the contact form on the blog to contact me, or email directly

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