
An alert on Grace, Clearing Karma, and getting the Gunk out

"I don't know if Grace Elohim ever misses a trick. I'd be surprised if she did. But even so, she needs a representative to inform her of a problem and request a solution. It's a matter of Free Will. I am proud, as Ambassador for Gaia and all Life, to have been of use to Grace in this regard."

The proponents of karma have adapted. When someone asks Grace Elohim to bring them out of karma, she does so immediately - every time.

(With every wordform, but asserting it isn't a karmic lie helps.)

Grace Elohim has the astonishing ability to bring someone out of karma with themselves and others. She is also immune to karma - with herself and others.

How the karmic proponents have adapted is simple. When someone asks Grace Elohim to take them out of karma, and she moves on, they immediately put that someone back in karma - which in itself is a Free Will class offense - before their multidimensional geometries go non-karmic (there's a description of the geometries and the non karma process under the section 'bodies' in What is Lightbody, I advise Kindle).

I have informed Grace Elohim and she no longer allows this tactic.

If you've been asking Grace Elohim to take you out of karma and this doesn't last then this is why.

Their other tactic is to flood the karma grid with karmic lies where people are lying about wanting to get out of karma and just saying it. How? The karmic controllers control people through karma to do this, often making them unconscious so they can be better controlled.

The following invocation handles both.

"Grace Elohim, the following isn't a karmic lie. Please take me out of karma and ensure my geometries have time to go non karmic under your protection. Please coat and release all points of karmic connection, and if I go into self-karma, assist me out of it."

This is for getting the gunk out.

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omegic, Non-Embodied and Multidimensionally Vehicular Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Magical Charge."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Circles of Endless Circumferences and Spheres of Endless Depths, please purge all karmic gunk, pranic gunk, karmic debris, pranic debris and enemy patterning from my system."

It's good discipline to keep your Circles and Spheres magically charged. Use this when done.

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omegic, Non-Embodied and Multidimensionally Vehicular Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Magical Charge."

Here's a Chi Ball method.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Rays, I am about to begin Chi Ball work on a large, extended scale. I request the Endless Provision of Chi."

"All embodied Chakras and Fields, Alpha and Omega Chakras and Fields, Non Embodied Chakras and Fields and Multidimensional Vehicle Chakras and Fields; I request a Chakra Light Mirror Sphere supersaturated as far as my energy can take it that reflects perfectly at no effort and charges exponentially at my Centre of Least Resistance at no effort to surround me for the purpose of the clearing of all karmic and pranic gunk, pranic and karmic debris and enemy pattering. Build through Chi Ball, separating my hands naturally when done. Install."

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