
Pillar of Light and Orb of Forms Meditations

"The Pillar of Light that runs down your spine, and the Orb of Forms, can activate a connection to limitless magical energy from both the ground under your feet and our Sun. This can be used to both heal yourself and others, and also as a limitless magic source. This text describes them and shows a few example workings."

Okay, so what is the Pillar of Light and Orb of Forms?

The Pillar of Light is your multidimensional Chi connection through the Pranic Tube. In humans and bipeds we call it a Pillar because it is vertical. It's the same thing for quadrupeds, fish and other lifeforms, however in for example a horse it would run along the spine horizontally. I haven't been able to find out what it is called in that instance (obviously not Pillar, perhaps Beam?)

The Pillar of Light is connected to the seven main Chakras and the Chakras between them. The three upper and lower Chakras have Chakras in the middle, yes even Crown and Third Eye, and the Heart Chakra at the Centre is middle for all. The Pillar of Light itself is connected to all the Chakras of the Vertical column, and its vibrations look like spirals. The lower three Chakras spiral to the Left if there's imbalance, and the upper three to the Right. That's where all that Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path mumbo-jumbo comes from.

If you are in *perfect balance* there will be both clockwise and anti-clockwise spirals above and below. If this happens the Pillar of Light *expands* and *fulfils*. It's a wonderful state to be in.

Right at the Centre of your Pillar of Light there is a *sphere* which I call the 'Orb of Forms'. This is your 'stabiliser' in the Worlds of Form. It is the core which keeps your Form in all dimensions stable. The Orb is a Multidimensional Orb - it exists in each Light-Plane of the Holographic World of Form.

This Sphere at its Unshakeable Centre contains a Metatron's Cube, and the fractal pattern of Metatronic Expansion radiates outward from that centre to the edges.

Please don't worry if you can't visualise that. It's more complex that the finest microcircuitry. The important thing is the Orb of Forms has a *quantum Memory* - it remembers all the forms you have incarnated as, forever. If you are lucky enough to be in an area where energetic Law allows you to use avatar abilities it can be used to do all kinds of magic, from shapeshifting to teleportation to miraculous healing. Reiki stabilised by this Orb of Forms is very, very powerful and enough people believe in Reiki for energetic Law to allow you to practice this in most places.

(Magic runs on people's belief in it working, much like belief empowering Discworld deities.)

The next piece of the puzzle is the Multidimensional Vehicle. A healthy Orb of Forms is expanded through the Multidimensional Vehicle and connected and stabilised by it through that connection, as well as stabilised and empowered by the Pillar of Light.

Traditionally the Multidimensional Vehicle has been associated with the Star Tetrahedron, and it is still the Vehicle's Universal Key. However in these modern times the Vehicle might have another shape or another name. As our Vehicles charge and grow, they take on more complex forms. The most complex Form the Multidimensional Vehicle can take on is the *Great Stellation of the Dodecahedron* and there is an excellent animation of this geometry on Wikipedia. However the Non-Euclidian Geometries of the Multidimensional Vehicle, at its Centre, can grow and charge limitlessly.

This is where we get to the fun bit, the Invocation, but there are three more points remaining. The first is that if your Orb of Forms is aligned across what is called the Multidimensional Gridworks, then it will be easier to keep it stable. If your Orb of Forms is stable, your health in form will obviously be better, because it has a solid foundation. Your Orb of Forms across Multidimensional Gridworks can *merge* across *all the planes of form*. If this happens, then your Physical Body will be supported by Lightbody in the Seven Rays of Form, perhaps even by the Non-Embodied Rays too if you've woken up that far.

The second point is that the Orb of Forms can miraculously heal you, and here I am not kidding. The Orb of Forms can heal your Chakras and purge them of all pollutants, and miraculously heal your Lightbody almost instantaneously. Physical healing may take a little longer as it relies on biochemistry, but most will find a rapid improvement in health.

The third is that this will require energy, Chi. With this Invocation I've gone traditional and fancy; I call the Chi that reaches us from Gaia and our local star Sol the 'treasuries' of Gaia and Sol. The trick is to activate the appeal through the Pillar of Light, and the *unshakeable Centre* of your Orb of Forms. The reason is simple: the Pillar and the Unshakeable Centre of the Orb of Forms are *incapable* of breaching the White Circle laws, and you have to honour them to share in the Treasuries.

For Activation to the Treasuries and Multidimensional Vehicle Activation.

"I appeal to the Treasuries of Gaia and the Treasuries of the Sun! I wish to connect the Orb of Forms at my Centre Pillar of Light by its Unshakeable Centre to my Multidimensional Vehicle in the Physical Plane and Across Full-Spectrum Lightbody! I also Wish to Merge the Multidimensional Orb, Harmonising it With All Multidimensional Gridworks! Can you help?"

For Resonating the Non-Embodied Light

"Pillar of Light and Orb of Forms across all Dimensions of Form: Cohere the Unified Field in Full and Expand as Far as you can Go. When connection to the Non-Embodied Rays is Stable, Ring the Pillar with the Rays beyond Form."

For Healing Chakras and Lightbody

"Unshakeable Centre of the Orb of Forms, and Orb of Forms at Most Stable. Actively Heal my Physical Chakras and Those of Full-Spectrum Lightbody, Removing All Detritus that Does Not Belong in My Energy and Sending it Home. (n.b the detritus's home.) Also Heal my Physical Flesh and Blood, and my Full Spectrum Lightbody in Form."

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