
Essays and Thoughts

"So you're interested in reading some of my more in depth thoughts? Hm. That's pleasing... Here's a small library of my essays. Perhaps one day it will grow."

An Essay on Prime Creator's Guidance

This message is simple.
Prime Creator's guidance is available to anyone who wants to access it.
It may come as intuition or feeling or hunches; or if you know how to channel, even words!
Prime Creator asked me to share this. Without hesitation, I do so.

An Essay on Certain Archetypes

Space, Time and Multidimensionality - Metaphors and Practical Magic

We all have a part of ourselves that experiences time as a line, back to forward.
This is one of the 'orthagonal directions' of time and only experiences time as a line.
This perspective experiences non linear time, but interprets it linearly because that is the only model the perspective can comprehend.
This is one dimensional time.

In this model you can move front to back, or back to front. But you don't see the difference between these two vectors. Depending on your model the flow of time is continually inverting, going in one direction or flowing in both directions at once. There is always a mirror. There is a theoretical at least miror self who perceives time the other way.

For this aspect your experience of language will also be opposite in temporal flow (but will never notice; it was always that way).

So... Find the middle point. Here's an invocation for that.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I and my theoretical counterpart in time of opposing temporal flow meet in the Present and phase lock. Continue meeting in the middle until Multidimensional Completion."

If you do this, you will find you centre your temporal flow. But the flow continues, because there are dimensions higher than linear time in which this flow is inherent.

Now the next level up is non linear time. This time expression can move point to point. It can create 2d shapes out of time. (And yes, there is a 2d shape with two points; it's a line.) In non linear time, you can draw more complex 'time shapes'. This is the level you experience 'time triangles', 'time squares' and so on. Non linear time can enter, and exit time loops. It can repeat time and slow time down. It can skip time and speed time up. And it can rewrite time by revisiting a time point and making a different choice, hop sideways through timelines. Linear time is always oblivious to this.
Non linearity is the second orthagonal vector of time.

Now every dimension, whatever your model, has three orthagonal vectors. They can be subdivided into five orthagonal vectors, or you can ignore the centre and say there's an even number of orthagonal vectors, but that's just playing perspective games. It doesn't change what is 'real'. So the third orthagonal vector of time is where you have three dimensions in time.

This level can see the linear time level (it's contained within). And it can see the non linear, join-the-dots time (it's contained within). But it transcends this level.
The term for it is *simultaneous time*. It is *all timelines* at the point of connection. In linear time, it is the whole timeline at once. (But there will always be a point you flow through until you reach Absolute Time, where you travel in all time vectors at once.)

This model has been a little constrained into three examples. THERE ARE HIGHER TIME DIMENSIONS. In the invocation the idea is to collide in the middle until full Time Multidimensionality, which is higher than D3. The exact number of dimensions is in a way unimportant; just keep expanding in the 'centre' until you hit your 'limit'. Then see what you have to do to earn a new 'limit'.

This leads to all possible non linear time pathways. Since in a non linear time perspective, you hop point to point, there comes a point where all possible points of time interaction have been exhausted, across all points of interaction. All time loops have been created, and are fully recursive. But you can't get trapped, because the flow of simultaneous time carries you through. All point to point time hopping, across all possible patterns, is *already there*. In computer terminology, there was an old network now made possible again with wireless technology, called the mesh network. It is a bit like that for time - all possible points of interconnection and all possible points of flow, recursive and non recursive, have been realised.

When this happens, you will need a three dimensional model to model time or higher in my analogy. Not only is there a line, but you can also hop sideways across timelines. (Thanks for being in this one. It's an exciting time.) Yet even when that cancels out, you *still* flow.
So, that's a tracking point for the evolution of linear and non linear time.

This means... Your entire timeline is planned from the moment of its creation. The good bits and the bad bits, you chose ALL of it.
You are constantly rewriting the timeline. Each rewriting of the timeline is a little different. Even linear time sees this. This is what creates the *flow* of time. Don't worry; whatever you do, it can't be arrested. There will *always* be more to learn, until you return to the Absolute.

If you know, at any point in the timeline, that you are rewriting time - you can rewrite it, backwards and forwards, as you want. You can plan your next lesson. And your simultaneous time expression is always an absolute, impartial participant in this process; indeed from its perspective the ONLY one.

There comes a point of dimensional overlap where all dimensions feed into each other. They simultaneously experience each other as separate. Also, there *is* a point of dimensional simulteneity.

Please be advised, *ALL* you can do is perspective shift. You *cannot* change the Absolute. These words, for some of you, will allow for a perspective shift. Others of you won't want to go there. This is a personal choice.

Also, all the lessons I have given for time are equally equivalent for space. (In other words - you have a linear, non linear and simultaneous space expression too; and the linear expression can hop 'sideways' through space through the non linear space aspect; and yes there's a simultaneous space aspect too. Same logic rules apply.)

So here's an invocation for having all those perspectives at once.

I'm using the concept of 'simultaneous motion' as a bridge for this. I'd really like to use 'multidimensional spin' as well but sadly that is dificult to picture. Here's the best I can do right now for space.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; linear, non linear and simulteneous perception of Time and Space, merge and phase lock. Perception of relative motion through space; see myself moving and my environment moving in bidirectional simultenaety with every vibration for all possible dimensional planes. I AM Orthagonal to ALL POINTS of the Sphere to the ENDLESS PRESENCE."

On The Three Archetypes of Creation - to Invoke them for Consciousness


There is really only one language which is *universally* archetypal and it is one that many struggle with. It is logic and mathematics, as everything can be defined in those terms independent of subjectivity or bias, which for the following is crucial.

A lot of people reading this blog, I would imagine, will be familiar with the term 'Prime Creator'. I wonder how many got the math joke in the term? As in, prime *numbers*?

A prime number is unique. That's the special thing about them. They follow no discoverable pattern as yet. And discovering them is damn hard.

The only thing they have in common with practically all mathematics is that they are divisible between only themselves and one. There are supercomputers trying to find new primes; even with modern technology we're resorting to probability theory to find them, because the *only* way to test the 'prime' - ness of a number with absolute certainty is to divide it by every number up to itself against one, check the logs, and see that they all - bar one - don't divide. This is a task that we have to use computers to do, and even supercomputers need shortcuts through probability theory because of what amount to mechanical constraints of software and hardware. Supercomputers for God's sake.

So mathematically speaking the driving force of creation known as Prime Creator - that force which effortlessly, as a Divine Principle of Creation, *always* creates Prime Newness with every expression - is generally considered to be very smart. That this force exists is evident; otherwise, even in closed systems, there couldn't be anything 'new' at *all*. It works. Creation hasn't stopped yet.

Depending on your outlook, the Prime Creator function is an aspect of the Threefold Flame. For me this is Power, as always creating new stuff means you have to overcome all resistance of the 'old' constantly *and* any resistance against the 'new' respectively.

Primes are one third of the Archetypes of Mathematics (across all possible number bases, which is important). I've addressed this first although Power is generally considered *third* in the Love/Will/Power trinity. The reason is the Prime Creator recognition on this sphere.

There is another aspect to mathematics which is an Archetype. That of the Recursive Sequence that Goes On. This Creator Archetype has little recognition on this sphere, but can be summed up as the driving Principle that *allows for Recursion to be formed and broken*.

Call it Godhead Patterner or Godhead Pattern Director.

For me this is Love. Love can hold you close, but it doesn't trap you and knows when to give you space. (If you disagree, *seriously*, that's probably not a healthy view of Love).

The third *appears* at least to be what Cobra calls contingency. But I think there's a distinction. Blind randomness as a driving force to creation - in archetypal balance - is just an inherent mathematical inevitability, sure as Pi. (Mmm, pie.)

*Deliberate* misuse of this principle for malignant intention is I feel the contingency Cobra opposes more... There is an inherent order to the archetypal language of all Mathematics. But it contains the seeds of randomness to infinity, it's called a scatter pattern. The ultimate, core Scatter Pattern of Creation. You can't find sense there because there literally *is* none, but there *is* a delicious adventure into the unknown. It is the source of adventure.

This seems to fit the definition of Will best. The sense of being completely free; totally unbound. Love as the force that holds you and lets you free, the nurturing - and in modern times I think we can agree both genders have a role there - Will as the total, unbound freedom; even to the point of possible conflict and disagreement; and Power and the drive to create the Ever-New.

Call it Godhead Creation Choice.

The repetition cycles of endless patterns that are not trapped, and are free...  The freedom itself, and the endless variety of creation.

Love. Will. Power. Godhead Pattern Director. Godhead Creation Choice. Godhead Prime Director (or Creator).

Which leads to a rather interesting thought... What happens if you *invoke* these basic, Creative principles of the Threefold Flame with understanding of their nature, all the way into the Physical?

Here's an invocation that can do that. (Physical conscious embodiment of the Gifts of these Principles is, up to a point, something you have to earn though much of the Gifts are innate to consciousness.)

"I invoke all the Gifts of the Recursion that can be Formed and Broken, that Leads to the Wild Chaos of Creation, that leads to the Ever New Primes into my Consciousness as I Earn them, across Lifetimes. I earn all the Gifts of the Three Principles into my body of Flesh I can Hold. All Languages. All Tongues. All Senses. All Extraordinary Abilities. I declare myself Conscious.

With these three Principles I correct all devolutionary spirals to evolutionary ones with all I come into contact with. So mote it be; so it is; it is so."

I would be interested in hearing people's experiences with this one.

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