
Cyclic Chakric Breathing and Vision Journeying

"The whole point of Life is that it renews. That's no reason not to give it help. And the Visionary Journeying is an ancient magical tradition; I can help with that too."

Everyone's Chakras breathe cyclicly while sleeping. This invocation is for triggering this while awake.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Cyclic Chakric Breath of Chakric Renewal, please breathe the Cyclic Eternity Breath to release all trapped Light and ensure integrity of Chakric Expression today."

(You can replace 'today' with your own timelengths, even for lifetimes, but to start with hold an intent to anchor it.)

Here's an invocation for visionary journeying. The need for a magical charge has been accounted for as part of the invocation. You can go on a vision journey in any Chakra this way; this example is for the Crown.

This is to be performed in a resting position. I have been warned the altered states in this one, used with sufficient intent, could cause collapse. Because of visions.

"Circle of endless Circumferences and Sphere of endless Depths of the Crown Chakra; carry me into the Temple of the Crown for visionary journeying. The Circle and Sphere of Journeying are to be kept fully charged with Magical Energy throughout. Teach the Languages of Visions so I may one day be Adept."

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