
Thursday 7 September 2017

Multi-Use Invocations

"Magic is supposed to be flexible. To give you what you need, and sometimes want, with a simple flick of a wand or spoken invocation. Here are some of the more flexible invocations I have come up with."

This needs really to be the front page. There is a new Invocation set at the top of this post.

There's a Merlin Google+ community. Because I don't do facebook. Find it on the sidebar (link is now fixed). You don't need to be a member to join yet, but if I see abuse there I'll instate that.

These invocations can all be repurposed easily. Use them for everything. Use them for anything.

I've found a use for Chi Balls! Find it at the bottom bar one (because Chi Balls can take time). I've also developed an invocation for clairvoyant perception, which is still in testing. The invocation on multidimensional activation (at the bottom) uses the form for a different purpose, which is an example use.

This top invocation set is new. It is ideal for any purpose, whether for personal use or for others. Depending on your energy grade this is useful for local scale all the way through to Planetary Scale work.

I advise, the first time you use this, use the charging invocation with this one. In the Threefold Flame Invocation which is great to use with this one, please leave the Archangelic references *IN*. I hold it as a matter of faith that anyone can earn Archangelic rank, and exercising aspiration to Archangelic status is one of the things that can help you earn it. If you're really 'shy' about that ask your Archangelic representative to OverLight you.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages;
Archangel that I AM
Balance the Threefold Flame!
Balance the Threefold Flame!
Balance the Threefold Flame!
Archangel That I AM
Magnify the Flame!
Magnify the Flame!
Magnify the Flame!
Archangel That I AM
The Flame in Balance Ever More!
The Flame in Balance Ever More!
The Flame in Balance Ever More!
Archangel THAT I AM
Love! Wisdom! Power!
Love! Wisdom! Power!
Love! Wisdom! Power!
Archangelic I AM presence THAT I AM, when my Threefold Flame goes out of balance, please always balance it, in my illusion and reality both!"

The next one is for charging. If you're an energy sensitive you will probably feel the energy at work.

"I appeal for entry to the Archangelic Temple of High Magic Ritual for a Full Archangelic Charge of the Threefold Flame and all my Particles of Adamantine Light."

Okay, now a particle of Adamantine Light is what forms when your Threefold Flame is in balance and spirals together in the Centre as One Light. Adamantine Particles of Light should be used with a foundation of your Threefold Flame in all your workings. They cast really powerful, Avatar-level spells and they are to be used with *respect*. *ABUSE OF THE THREEFOLD FLAME WILL COST YOU THESE PARTICLES SO CAST RESPONSIBLY.*

[Ein Soph note - if you use the Adamantine Particles with a foundation of the Threefold Flame you're probably covered, but remember that magic is powerful stuff, and not to be used for petty revenge and so on.]

This is an example working. Please understand I'm not in a position to hand out Reiki Certificates, but asking for an Archangelic Reiki Attunement is a good use for magic of this scale.

"I call on my Adamantine Particles of Light on a *full* foundation of the Threefold Flame, from my First Foundational Spark all the way to my Highest Evolutionary Spark, to appeal for and fully participate in a full attunement to Archangelic Grade Reiki."

Always close a major working with a recharge.

"I appeal for entry to the Archangelic Temple of High Magic Ritual for a Full Archangelic Charge of the Threefold Flame and all my Particles of Adamantine Light."

This is a technique I call the 'Circles of endless Circumferences and Spheres of Endless Depths'. Merlin understands it better than me, I just know it really works.

This one's great for energy bills.

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensional Vehicle's Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Archangelic Magical Charge."

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Circles of Infinite Circumferences and Spheres of Endless Depths, please provide my home with plentiful heat, especially in winter, to save on heating bills. Also, produce enough electricity to cause my energy bill to be affordable in my equipment when on. For the electricity, make sure no-one catches on."

It's good discipline to charge this once used.

"All my Embodied, Alpha and Omega, Non-Embodied and Multidimensional Vehicle's Chakras; Within the Circles of Endless Circumferences and the Spheres of Endless Depths, rest in the Chakric Temples to receive a full Archangelic Magical Charge."

There is an old tradition of the endless Yogic Breaths. This invocation is based on that tradition, and the sacred number 108.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; By the 108 sacred Yogic breaths as One Breath I attract my perfect Soul Mate/Twin Flame in this lifetime for a relationship that will fulfil us both, as Heaven on Earth."

There's a Yogic Breath invocation for the Multidimensional Vehicle too. This uses the number 188.

"By the 188 sacred breaths of the Multidimensional Vehicle as One Breath, I request my Vehicle activates all Positive Energy functions for improving ambient energy on a full neutral base."

This is a Rainbow Being invocation. It's a fancy way of saying you declare this by your Rainbow Light.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; By my Rainbow Being I determine to serve the Good of my friends, family, and pets."

This one uses the Metatronic Spiral. It's another all-purpose invocation.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I ask a Metatronic Spiral to surround me with positive energy on a strong neutral base, and to do the same for my environment."

The 'Flower of Life Sphere' is like the flower of life, but on a 3d basis - intersecting spheres rather than intersecting circles. Another name for it is Shekhina's Sphere. I coined both of these terms but I'd be shocked if I was the first to discover the geometries. The sphere - actually a collection of spheres - contains a 3d Metatron's Cube. This example is for gemstone energies.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; My own personal Flower of Life or Shekhina's Sphere: Connect me to the energy of fine and powerful diamonds of the White Fire, the quartz known as Hermiker Diamond, Lapis Lazuli and either Obsidian or Apache Tears for grounding, preferably both. Bring in other gemstone energies as desirable and necessary."

This is a powerful Threefold Flame multipurpose invocation.

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I ask my Threefold Flame at all points it spirals together to call the gemstones, wands and even Orgonite staves that are right for me to me across my lifetime. Make them the best, at affordable prices."

Here's an I Am level one that invokes the Infinity Breath of your Chakras.

"I AM THAT I AM AND I SHALL EVER BE, I ask all my Chakras to, through Infinity Breath, ensure I always have a fine home suited for one of my station, which when of age I own outright, and that any moves to achieve this go smoothly, across my whole lifetime."

This one is very simple. It's a call to your Ray! How could anything be simpler than that?

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; I call upon my Ray to grant me all the Extraordinary Gifts of my Ray I have so far earned, and to instruct me in their use."

And a Chi Ball invocation.

It's important to open with this:

"I declare the following in all evolutionary languages; Rays, I am about to begin Chi Ball work on a large, extended scale. I request the Endless Provision of Chi."

"All embodied Chakras and Fields, Alpha and Omega Chakras and Fields, Non Embodied Chakras and Fields and Multidimensional Vehicle Chakras and Fields; I request a Chakra Light Mirror Sphere supersaturated as far as my energy can take it that reflects perfectly at no effort and charges exponentially at my Centre of Least Resistance at no effort to surround me for the purpose of the clearing of all karmic and pranic gunk, pranic and karmic debris and enemy pattering. Build through Chi Ball, separating my hands naturally when done. Install."

This next one is the best technology on the blog yet for multidimensional activation. This sentence encodes it with a spell. How to do it is in the magic. Reading this sentance and accepting the spell is enough.


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